Welcome Statement

At Newchurch Primary School we strive to ensure that all of our pupils are treated as individuals to promote safe, happy, inspired, supported and successful independent learners. We are very proud of our entire community who are active, supportive and work in partnership to achieve the very best outcomes for the children and their families.
Our expectations of personal presentation, behaviour, outcomes and pupil achievement are consistently high and, with the help, support and involvement of our parents and wider community, our pupils make very good progress from their unique starting points and have the best possible start to their education.
Our ambitious curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced and has five ‘mission possibles’ that underpin all that we do and these encourage the children to make healthy choices, be resilient, live respectfully, make a difference and make it happen!
Our main aim is to teach 'the right stuff to the right kids in the right way at the right time, every day!' and this ensures that the children are supported and challenged at exactly the time they need to be.
We offer an extensive extra-curricular and enrichment programme which we believe is integral in the development of enthused, excited, tolerant and happy learners who are encouraged to develop their talents and interests. We have achieved many national and local awards for our curriculum approaches and outcomes. Our sports teams usually ride high in competitions and our passion for the Arts is well celebrated within our community!
We value mental health and emotional wellbeing and always ensure that our children are emotionally 'ready to learn' and we are passionate about pupils actively supporting the well-being of their friends too. By working within our professional networks, we can ensure that our families receive the best possible support at the times that they need it.
We are always 'learning today for life tomorrow' and know that our approaches ensure that pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain and that they leave Newchurch ready to face their next step in education with positivity and pride.
If there is anything you would like more information about or you would like to visit and see us in action, please contact the School Office on 01983 865210.
All requests for paper copies of our website should be made to the school office.
Curriculum Vision
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Our Curriculum Vision
Within the Federation of Nettlestone and Newchurch Primary Schools we aim to offer a rich and engaging school experience in which children are willing partners in their own learning. They enjoy school, form friendships for life and become responsible, respectful young people. Our curriculum is diverse, thought-provoking, creative, inspirational and soaked in memorable moments.
Our Five Mission Possibles
Our mission possibles should be evident in all that we do at school. They transcend all curriculum subjects and provide links between subjects as we aim to be the best we can be in all that we do. Assemblies are used to introduce and explore the principles in greater depth. By emphasising the importance of these key tenets, we aim to embed these ideals.
I can make healthy choices
We know healthy choices influence all aspects of our lives. We recognise the importance of having a healthy body with a healthy mind and to look after our own sense of well-being. We understand that healthy choices have to keep us safe in the real and the ever changing online world. It is important that we keep pace with the information that guides us in our daily choices.
I can make it happen
Our lives are enriched through taking part in opportunities, which give us the essential knowledge that we need in order to be prepared for future success. It is important that we are exposed to the 'awe and wonder' of our world through the arts, culture, travel, and other experiences. This will make sure that we have the knowledge, behaviours and skills to be the best I can be.
I can be resilient
We know that life can be challenging and we recognise that mistakes are a key part of our learning. We are able to engage in new experiences confidently and try our best.
I can live respectfully
Although we live on an Island, we understand that to thrive in our fast changing and diverse world not only do we need to feel confident in our sense of self, but we are open to engaging positively with other identities and cultures, and feel confident to recognise and challenge stereotypes.
I can make a difference
We are able to see the impact of our decisions on people and environment in my immediate community or equally on the other side of the planet.